The pyrealm package

Module overview

The package contains a number of different modules implementing different models:

  1. The P Model: a ecophysiological model of carbon dioxide uptake by plants (Prentice et al. 2014, Wang et al. 2017, Stocker et al. 2020)

  2. The T Model

Package documentation

The documentation for pyrealm is maintained using sphinx. The module code is documented using Google style docstrings in RST format. Much of the rest of the documentation uses Jupyter notebooks written using myst-nb format in order to dynamically include Python code examples showing the behaviour of functions. In general, the code will be concealed but the underlying code can be seen by clicking on the buttons like the one below.

# This is just an example code cell to demonstrate how code is included in 
# the pyrealm documentation.

Development notes

The version module.

This module simply records the package version in a single readable location for use in functions and

Indices and tables